Daisy Cooper Keynote Speech

Daisy Cooper addresses Autumn Conference, issuing a rallying call to party activists to take on the Conservatives in the Blue Wall and deliver a brighter future.
Daisy said:
“We have a huge opportunity. Right across the Blue Wall and right across the country - people are furious with the Conservatives. They’re angry that nothing works - everything’s broken and all the things we cherish - our NHS, our precious environment, our standing in the world – have been trashed.
“What’s more: they know who did it. This appalling Conservative government – too busy fighting each other to do anything useful.
“It's not just that they've blown a hole in our economy, driven our NHS into the ground, and allowed water companies to pour sewage into our rivers and onto our beaches with impunity. The most unforgivable thing about this Conservative government is that they've broken people's hope.
“Whilst we are ashamed of this government – we are so proud of our country and of our NHS. We know that there are millions of people across the UK who share our vision and want to live in a liberal Britain. Between now and the next General Election, it’s up to us to show them a brighter future is possible.”
Watch the speech in full: