Ed Davey marks Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

As we commemorate 80 years since Britain and her allies defeated the Nazis and ended the Holocaust, we must never forget those appalling atrocities. We must never forget how six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis – how so much inhumanity was inflicted on humans by humans.
We must remember so that we try harder to stop it happening again - as it has so tragically in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and elsewhere.
To do this, we must be vigilant in our opposition to hatred, discrimination and oppression, and vigilant in defence of peace, human rights and compassion.
That includes combating antisemitism in all its forms - which has sadly been on the rise across our country since the horrific terror attacks on October 7th 2023.
Liberal Democrats stand with the British Jewish community and will always fight to ensure that everyone can feel safe in their communities.
Liberal Democrats stand with the British Jewish community and will always fight to ensure that everyone can feel safe in their communities. Whether that’s calling on the government to support cross-community work, or pushing for the funding needed to secure the right protective security measures.
A few months ago, we marked with great sorrow the passing of Lily Ebert, who was deported to Auschwitz when she was 20. She was truly inspirational – giving hope to so many after enduring such unspeakable horror.
Lily wrote about a banknote, given to her by an American soldier after the liberation. He’d written on it “A start to a new life. Good luck and happiness”.
She wrote “This was something I knew I’d keep forever, a reminder, after all the cruelty we’d endured, that people could be compassionate. There was some hope and humanity left in the world."
We must remember that too, and live up to the positive vision Lily could see, even after so much darkness.