Government 25% below cancer treatment target as charity says 20,000 deaths a year avoidable
The government’s failure to meet this target is putting people’s lives at risk.
Waiting lists have gone up by 330,000 since Rishi Sunak pledged to cut them in January last year.
NHS targets missed include:
Earlier this week, Liberal Democrats revealed that 100,000 patients waited over 24 hours to be admitted to hospital at A&E last year. These appalling waits have increased tenfold since the last General Election (Hospital Trusts).
Behind each one of these figures is a story of someone waiting in pain, worried sick about getting the care they need. These numbers expose the reckless damage done by this Conservative government’s neglect of the NHS and care. We desperately need more hospital beds and a long-term solution to the social care crisis, to end these devastating A&E delays.
To add insult to injury, the Conservatives have cut NHS spending while millions of patients are suffering in pain on endless waiting lists.
Rishi Sunak is living in a parallel universe if he thinks our National Health Service is recovering. The Conservative Party and the Prime Minister are out of touch, out of ideas and deserve to be kicked out of office.